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Recommended daily 新款 折扣 潮牌
Vitamin D-3 Soft Chews provide 250% of the daily value of vitamin D in a delicious chocolate-flavored soft chew. Vitamin D-3 is highly absorbable and the most widely studied form of vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential to help your body regulate calcium and phosphate levels for strong, healthy bones and teeth.* In addition, vitamin D enhances calcium absorption.* Enhanced absorption can maximize the body's ability to use calcium more effectively.* The daily recommended range of vitamin D intake is 400 to 1000 IU per day. The average person consumes less than 50% of the recommended amount per day, falling short of the healthy requirements. Your whole family can enjoy these great-tasting soft chews while getting numerous health benefits from vitamin D. To ensure a complete nutritional program, be sure to add one of GNC's premier multivitamins to your daily regimen.

纽约公司地址:2705 41st AVENUE, UNIT COM-2, LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11101-3768
